Chief Otto takes command as Batoke Customary Court President
- 3 novembre 2022
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The Traditional Ruler of Batoke Chiefdom, HRM Molive Molungu Otto has been installed as President of the Batoke Customary Court.
In his submission, the learned State Counsel for Limbe Justice Mba seized the Court during the solemn session to request that the candidates be sworn- in, in accordance with a Ministerial order signed on December 23, 2021 by the Minister of State, Minister of Justice and Keeper of the Seal, Laurent Esso appointing HRM Molive Molungu Otto as president of the Batoke Customary Court and two assessors Wongo Francis Molongo and Madame Sophie.
He went on to present their educational and career prowess before urging them to judiciously dispense justice whenever they have a case before their court. Justice Mba reminded them of their duty to always consult other relevant authorities when the need arises.
On his part, His Worship, Valery Ankongnda Samandi, the presiding judge and president of the Court of First Instance Limbe took the floor with words of congratulations to the newly sworn-in President and his assessors. He went on that despite the cosmopolitan nature of their area of jurisdiction, the president and his assessors must make the Customary Court of Batoke to be relevant in the manner in which they work. He challenged them to shun the temptation of playing double standards.
‘’the Customary Court is therefore a multi-dimensional court that must be abreast with as many customs as possible to uphold the culture of everyone residing within the said jurisdiction.’’
His worship Valery Samandi advised further that the president should be dynamic pursuant to the oath they have taken. The assessors were also urged to research on other cultures so as to be armed with the work which awaits them. He stressed that the public should give them the maximum support in making use of the Court which according to him is the base of the judicial system.
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“uphold our cultures and traditions”
Speaking to the press, the newly installed president, HRM Molive Molungu Otto summed up the ceremony in this manner ’’first of all I want to thank the Minister of State, Minister of Justice and Keeper of the Seal, Laurent Esso for the appointment. I wish to also state that my assessors and I will do our best to uphold our cultures and traditions. We have been handling cases at the level of the Traditional Council but now it will be different because this is a legal institution. We will be neutral; we shall not be bias taken into consideration that the Batoke Court area cuts across two Sub Divisions; Limbe II and West Coast Sub Divisions. We are happy and ready to work.’’
The Traditional Ruler equally made a pertinent request to the Minister of State, Minister of Justice and Keeper of the Seal for the construction of a Customary Court Hall to mainstream independence of the judicial system. The Chief added that when cultures are protected, peace can be attained.
The solemn ceremony to install him alongside two other accessors, took place at the Court of First Instance Limbe on Friday October 7, 2022, chaired by His Worship Valery Ankongnda Samandi as the presiding Magistrate. The ceremony was attended by the City Mayor of Limbe, Paul Efome Ngale, the Mayor of Idenau, Tonde Lifanje, the president of the Limbe Chiefs Conference, Chief Dikanjo George, the Nhons from Tombel in Kupe Muanenguba and a cross section of the population from Batoke and Idenau.
Solomon Agborem