Ntarinkon in Bamenda 2 sub division, it is a cold morning but the silence in the residence of SDF chairman makes the weather colder.

Everyone is still to come to terms with the death of their employer, father, brother, political leader and neighbour. At about 8am, walling overtook the silence, the people are in pain- Wearing dull faces. John Fru Ndi is goneI thought it was a joke… Oh no! Papa is gone” one of the servants in the Ntarinkon residence cries out.
At the road, circulation was fluid, people carrying on with their activities as every normal day. Only June 13 2023 will for ever be an extraordinary day- Fru Ndi, the main political figure many have known in Cameroon is no more.

Lire aussi: Nécrologie: Ni John Fru Ndi, le Chairman du SDF, est mort

Preparing for the burial

Fru Ndi is gone…

Unlookers, supporters trooped into the residence of late Fru Ndi just like party militants among whom the former mayor of Bafut, former parliamentarian for Bafut-Tubah constituency Hon. Wilfred Fusi Nnamunkong and the mayor of Bamenda 3 sub division Cletus Fongu Tanwe. All busy making phone calls, preparing for the burial of the icon with chairs set to receive persons from all divisions in the North West who will be coming in to pay tribute to the son of the soil.
Up station in Bamenda 1 sub division, very few persons wore dull faces although they felt sad over the loss

Lire aussi: Nécrologie : Le “Président Antonio” inhumé ce samedi à Douala

Fru Ndi is gone

“Fru Ndi is gone but well, that’s life… We will all get there. It is sad indeed” a passerby.

Meanwhile, some SDF party supporters are in the limbo, wondering what will become of the party in its birth place- the North West region which has seen its flames being quenched by the ruling CPDM in recent years.

Veronica Aji